The premiere of the Chinese-Russian film 'Lingshui's song' have come to an end

22 may 2019 · News

Today the premiere of the Chinese-Russian project ‘Lingshui’s song’ takes place in Moscow, in which our actress Kseniya Alistratova played the leading role of a student Anna from USSR. GM actress told us in an exclusive interview how looks paradise, whether it is hard to learn Chinese and her impressions of the shootings.

The story is taking place in the 80th in a provincial Chinese resort town Lingshui, Hainan island. Anna comes there with her friend Andrey for a holiday. Quite by chance they get acquainted with a young peasant from a fishing village and it completely changes their life, while for Andrey it has a tragic outcome.

 For the role Kseniya had to learn Chinese daily for a month. The language of the Middle Kingdom, as Chinese call their country themselves, impressed the actress so much that even after the end of the shootings she continues to learn it. “When people ask me, whether it’s hard to learn Chinese or not, I don’t know what to say. I just did it, I lived, felt as if I spoke my mother-tongue, I didn’t think about the difficulties. Perhaps I have Asian blood or I was somehow connected with Asia in a previous life! The Russian and Chinese directors became friends and we felt love on set, like a Chinese-Russian love”, - told Kseniya.

"All the shooting locations seemed to be drawn. This is a perfect place for shootings- everything is so beautiful. Probably paradise looks exactly so”.

"It’s very hot there, 36-38 degree Celsius. When we were shooting on the water, nothing helped to hide from the sun – umbrellas, lotions, clothes… We would get sunburn in 20 minutes so that it wasn’t easy to cover the red skin with a make-up”.

 "For me as an actress it was easy to work, because I felt 100% feedback from Chinese and Russian actors. Everyone is a true professional and we learned from each other! When I think about the shooting days, it seems that the most of my life has passed there. Perhaps it’s true!”

The joint film of the directors Yang Lu and Andrey Myshkin will become a new bridge connecting friendly Russia and China.

We congratulate Kseniya with the premiere and wish her further success in her career!